Email preference centers are a measure to establish effective communication with subscribers. Here’s how they can benefit your email marketing strategy. Read more
The best email for engaging users is one that is personalized, relevant, and provides value to the recipient.
Here are tips that can help you create effective emailsRead more
With the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or more recently the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), it is now more important than ever to provide users with greater control over their personal data.Read more
As customers, we've all received countless unwanted emails and messages from companies we've interacted with in the past. While some companies simply provide an unsubscribe button at the bottom of their emails, this approach falls short of meeting customers' needs for personalized communication. This is where the preference center comes in.Read more
Not every users of your website has a tool for reading RSS feeds and from now on, Otowui builders are letting you insert any RSS feeds within your email or landing page with ease.Read more
Collecting data through online manual entry forms still leads to inaccuracies. Typographical errors, inaccurate information, and a lack of knowledge of one's own company information can make simple grouping of people from the same company complex and time-consuming.Read more
Have you been using templates for a while and exhausted ideas on how to evolve them further? Lacking graphical impetus but in need of some creativity?Read more
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